Mathematical Software Resources
- 3D Grapher RomanLab Software
- 3D-XplorMath
- A&G Equation Grapher Runiter Company
- Adept Scientific plc
- A-Converter 1.0 Xeletrix
- Advanced Grapher Alentum Software Ltd
- Advantix Calculator MathEduSoft
- Algebrator - an Algebra Problem Solver for Students and Teachers
- AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming
- Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel
- AnalyticMath 1.1.3 freeware
- Archim is a program for drawing the graphs of all kinds of functions Stochastic-Lab freeware
- Arizona Mathematical Software A collection of approximately 60 educational programs
- Artlandia Mathematica-based software for creating mathematical and algorithmic art
- Autograph Maths - The Dynamic Classroom Software
- Beautiful Calculator 3 Rayslab, Inc.
- Berkeley Madonna - Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems
- Bradley's 2D3D Scientific Calculator
- C.a.R. (Compass and Ruler) is dynamic geometry program simulating compass and ruler constructions
Cabri Geometry - Jean-Marie Laborde Docteur Honoris Causa
- Calc 3D by Andreas Greuer
- Calculus 1.0 - Software for Windows by Ashay Dharwadker
- Calculus Problem Solver 1.0 Runiter Company
- CAMI- Math, Mathematics, Reading and Perceptual Software
- - DOS-based program for calculation with combinatoric operations. It supports 5 functions: combination,
variation, permutation, variation with recurrence of elements freeware
- CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
- COMSOL - Multiphysics Modeling
- Cinderella - The Interactive Geometry Software Jürgen Richter-Gebert & Ulrich Kortenkamp
- CoCoA commutative computer algebra
- COLOR Mathematics: Free Math Software !! by Erwin Gelber
- The Coq proof assistant
- CurveExpert 1.3, curve fitting and regression software by Daniel Hyams
- DataFit Curve Fitting and Data Plotting Software by Oakdale Engineering
- Decision Tree for Optimization Software
- DeadLine 2.36 a simple yet powerful equation solver Ionut Alex freeware
- Dekov Software
- Descartes, Argand, Gauss - Maths freeware by Walter Milner
- Downloadable Software from the Geometry Center
- DPGraph: Dynamic Photorealistic Graphing by David Parker
- EasyFit MathWave Technologies
- EASY-FITby K. Schittkowski
- Efofex Software - Software for Math and Science Teachers
- Equation Grapher with Regression Analyzer
- Equation Grapher by Paul Flavin
- Equation Illustrator Equation, Vector and Graphical Editors by MGCSoft
- Equation Maker Artem Gorikov
- Equation Software in Java for the Internet Poliplus Software
- EULER is a numerical laboratory with a programming language.
- Euler 3D Make your own polyhedron
- Factorizer: A Factorization and Prime Number Program Hermetic Systems
- Fermat, Computer Algebra System
- FindGraph Graphing, Digitizing and Curve Fitting Software - UNIPHIZ Lab
- FitAll is a general-purpose, nonlinear regression analysis (curve fitting) program
- Fractint freeware fractal generator
- Functions and Equations Numerical Mathematics
- Funmaths Game Station High School Mathematics Interactive Learning
- GAUSS Mathematical and Statistical System Aptech Systems, Inc.
- The Geometer's Sketchpad® by Key Curriculum Press
- Geometria An interactive standalone Java program in solid geometry.
- Geometry Expressions Interactive Symbolic Geometry - Saltire Software
- Geomview 3D Graphics viewer
- GEONET Universität Bayreuth
- GrafEq by Pedagoguery Software
- GRAPE - Graphics Programming Environment
- GraphCalc The Ultimate Windows 2D/3D Graphing Calculator Software freeware
- Graph 4.3 is an open source application used to draw mathematical graphs in a coordinate system - by Ivan Johansen freeware
- Graphe Easy is a feature-rich yet easy-to-use 2d-graph plotting Windows software
- Graphing Calculator Pacific Tech
- Graphing Calculator 3D Runiter Company freeware
- Graphis 2D and 3D graphing software: graph plotting and data analysis for
science and engineering
- Graphmatica... kSoft page
- GraphPad Prism is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program. GraphPad Software
- Graph+ Created by Sharayev Alexey
- HandyGraph Del Rey, Inc.
- HiDigit Scientific calculator for Windows®
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- Imbroglio Abscissatron 1.0
- The Integrator Powered by Mathematica
- Intelligent Tutor The programs in the Intelligent Tutor software series contain tutorials designed to help students learn and master Grades 7-12 math subjects.
- IntelliTools
- Interactive Geometry Classroom Resources (Math Forum)
- Inverse Matrices Dekov Software
- Isabelle is a popular generic theorem proving environment developed at Cambridge University (Larry Paulson) and TU Munich (Tobias Nipkow).
- JACAL is an interactive symbolic mathematics program.
- JavaView Interactive 3D Geometry and Visualization
- jsMath: A Method of Including Mathematics in Web Pages
- The KnotPlot Site by Robert G. Scharein
- LAB Fit Curve Fitting Software by Wilton and Cleide Pereira da Silva
- - Laboratory Projects - (Theorist/MathView)
- Learning in Motion Home Page A publisher of innovative software for K-12 education.
- LiDIA A C++ Library For Computational Number Theory
- Linear Algebra Orlando Mansur
- LiveMath computer algebra and graphing system
- Lumenaut Excel Statistical and Decision Analysis Tree Add-In Software for Business Professionals
- Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
- The Magma System for Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry
by Maplesoft.
- Math.Assist. One of the most popular Shareware Math Programs in Germany
- The Math Homework Maker by NaorSoft
- The Math League - Math Help, contests, and software for grades 4 to 12
Mathcad Prime by Parametric Technology Corporation.
- MathEdit K-Talk Communications
by Wolfram Research
- Mathematik Programme bei MM-Physik P.Krahmer
- MathFlowThe MathML Toolbox
- MathGraph (TurboPlot, AniGra) by Hans-Joachim Dreher
- MathGrapher
- MathGV Function Plotting Software by Greg VanMullem
- mathlive, mathlive pro Milo Hedge Ltd
- MathML Software W3C MathML implementations page
- MathPad by Mark Widholm
- Mathscribe Software and lesson plans for algebra
Mathscribe Lite free
- by MathWorks
- MathType, the Professional Version of Equation Editor
- MathWare.Ltd.
- MathViews by MathWizards
MATLAB by the The MathWorks
- Matrix Market (NIST)
- Maximal Software
Maxima, a computer algebra system Free software
- Merit Software Products - Support for the teaching of math skills
- MicroMath Scientific Software (Scientist®)
- Microsoft Mathematics 4.0
- MINITAB Statistical Software
- MIRACL (Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library) Shamus Software
- MLAB Civilized Software, Inc
- Modelmaker 4
- MthX, Mathemania and Megalomania
MuPAD (Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool) The Open Computer Algebra System
- NCSS (NCSS=NumberCruncher Statistical System) Statistical Software
- Netlib Netlib is a collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
- Neufeld & Associates Online The Understanding Math Programs Online
- NonEuclid is Java Software for Interactively Creating Ruler and Compass Constructions (by Joel Castellanos)
- Numerical Solutions. Free mathematical software downloads
- Numerit develop numerical-computation programs and create publication-quality mathematical documents
- Free numeracy software to support mathematics teaching in schools
- O-Matrix for Windows - Harmonic Software, Inc.
- GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. free software
- OpenMath Software And Tools
- Optimization Software Optimization Technology Center
- Origin Data analysis and graphing software
- Ornament A DOS-program for drawing and analyzing ornaments.
- PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory
- Peanut Software for Windows. by Rick Parris
- Poly is a shareware program for exploring and constructing polyhedra
- Polymake was (and still is) a versatile tool for the algorithmic treatment of polytopes and polyhedra.
- Professor Weissman's Software ALGEBRA & PRECALCULUS SOFTWARE FOR WINDOWS 95/98/NT
- The REDUCE Computer Algebra System Version 3.8
REDTEN is a symbolic algebra package for REDUCE
- Resampling Stats 5.0 at
- Rlab Web Site by Ian Searle
- Schur 5.3.1 An Interactive Program For Calculating Properties Of Lie Groups and Symmetric Functions - by Brian Wybourne
- Scientific freeware: Mathematics, statistics, probability, combinatorics, odds, algorithms Socrates
Scientific NoteBook by MacKichan Software, Inc.
- Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment.
- ScienceGL Professional Software Solutions for 3D/4D Scientific Visualization
- SimplexNumerica - SimplexParser
- Singular A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations free software
- SLGallery (probability distribution calculation) Stochastic Lab free software
- SMILE Mathematics Software and printed math resources aimed at students aged 8-11
- Spatial Statistics Software by Kelley Pace
- SpeQ Mathematics SpeQ Mathematics free software
- Sprott's Software by J. C. Sprott
- Stata statistical software for use by research professionals
- surf is a tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry
- Artlandia SymmetryWorks by Artlandia, Inc.
- TextCalc -- A Calculator/Text Editor Combined freeware
- UCALC 4.0 Windows multipurpose calculator
- Ultra Fractal: Advanced Fractal Software by Frederik Slijkerman.
- WebStat is freely available data analysis software for use over the World Wide Web.
- Wheatworks Software Financial Calculators
- xFunctions xPresso by David Eck
- xyAlgebra - Computer-Based Instruction in Basic Algebra and Verbal Problems by Professor John C. Miller